Delivering The Impact Your Intentions Deserve




Over 26 years of board level experience serving on as many as 12 nonprofit and for profit boards as a board member and executive committee member. I know what it is like to be on both sides of the table and I loath death by power point! Workshops and retreats start with a comprehensive board survey and are tailored to include: vision, mission, boardsmanship, managing the CEO, strategic planning, board development, diversity and inclusion, 20P(2), DISC and more. Workshops and trainings are actually fun, engaging and educational.


Retail has been redefined and you must remain relevant in today’s competitive environment. Your company should contain a comprehensive set of innovative transformation initiatives while remaining ethical and agile. Every business needs a 20P(2) Assessment annually. Just like you take your vehicle to get serviced or annual health check ups, your business should be diagnosed and assessed annually. You don’t know what you don’t know.
Get started with your 20P(2) diagnostic today!


Companies that have a diverse workforce produce 19% higher returns than their competition. The first line of diversity is personality. Every company needs a strategic diversity management plan. Task oriented teams focus on strategic initiatives leaving behind soft skill development. People oriented teams focus on soft skill development and devalue strategic initiatives and vital management processes.
A personalized DISC assessment will give you and your team a competitive advantage.


We will conduct a needs assessment with your leadership team to customize a training program to fit your needs. Examples include: change management, decision making, workforce motivation, leadership development, return on diversity (ROD), customer service, sales knowing your customer, business ethics and more.


You invested in training your top leadership now it is time to engage the entire workforce. We offer speaking engagements, events, workshops, in-house training on diversity through DISC, customer service, change management, sales knowing your customer, leadership development, retreats and more.

Krystal Clear Coaching

Skilled at coaching teams, individuals and executives. As a certified John Maxwell Team Coach, I can see what you are going through now and what is ahead. I will stretch and empower you to achieve goals and overcome limiting paradigms.